Saturday, March 27, 2021

An Invitation

Art by Andra Lynn

Dear Keanu,

Inara and I are leaving for Missouri in May to spend time with my mom who isn't in the best of health. My mother is a lovely and wonderful person. You would like her and I know she would like you, too. 

Come to Missouri with us! Forget filming. Forget Hollywood. Forget the people who are all pulling at you wanting something from you. Come to Missouri with us where we can play! 

Art by Sarah Jane Studios

Come run with us in a field full of fireflies flashing like sparkling fairies. We can try to catch them and then let them fly away free.

Blue Tree Art - Watching the Storm

Come sit with us at sunset and sip warm coffee while we watch the Midwestern sky morph with storm clouds.  We can describe all the shapes we see in the clouds and "ooh" and "ah" when we see the lightning light up the sky. We will delight when we hear the thunder and feel the sound vibrate through us.   

Art by Andra Lynn

Come to Missouri with us! We will stay up late and make up silly stories where each of us takes a turn adding something to it. We will sing silly songs that never seem to end. 

Art by Andra Lynn

If we find ourselves not sure of what to do, we can ride bikes to a shop and buy some candy. We can all chew bubblegum and try to blow the biggest bubbles and laugh when it sticks to our faces.

Art by Andra Lynn

We can have dainty tea parties where we all pretend to be someone else and put on some other accent to sound like we are from somewhere else. We can talk about pretend people and their pretend lives and pretend we are very ordinary in our pretend lives. 

Art by Andra Lynn

Come to Missouri with us and we can swing on swings at the same time. You and Inara can swing very high but I will go very slow. 

Art by Andra Lynn

Come to Missouri with us where we can have long, deep conversations under the stars and let our worries go. We can sit quietly Inara is never quiet unless she is sleeping. 😂 We can sit loudly together chatting and chatting until our mouths are too dry.

Art by Akira Kusaka

And at the end of our wonderful adventure, we will be three way best friends. We can blow on dandelions and make our dearest wishes that the fun doesn't have to end when it is time for us to go home. 

Art by Andra Lynn

We can wish upon a star that the time apart will be short and we can enjoy time together again very soon. 

With much love, sunshine and daisy chains,


Art by Andra Lynn
You can buy Andra Lynn's lovely art here.

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