Sunday, December 18, 2022

Turning It All Around

Painting by Emile Auguste Hublin

Dream Journal Entry: December 18, 2022

I can only remember fragments of dreams. I remember a bit where I was traversing a precarious path with someone in a vehicle. I didn't think the vehicle we were in would be able to navigate this path that was on the side of a steep cliffside. It didn't feel safe but my companion kept going and we made it through okay. There was something about gathering ingredients for some cure that could help a lot of people. Someone came along who was trying to prevent the cure, I'm not sure who. I just remember they were trying to prevent it. Someone, maybe my companion, put the ingredients into different containers, thus, preventing them from being taken, but they were actually harder to transport the cure in. I remember one of the containers having a green substance. Green is the color of the outer heart chakra.

I vaguely remember being in a car that seems to be moving on its own and was about to rear-end another car. I reached over to the empty driver's seat and stomped on the brakes, but the car only slowed and kept moving and hit the back of a car but didn't do much damage.

As I was waking, I saw myself holding a few stacked trays of eggs and then lose my balance and they started to turn upside down, but then I acted quickly and kept the eggs moving so they were upright again and none of them were lost or broken. As I was processing what I saw, I heard, "He's about to lose it all but he can still turn it all around and save it. He simply has to open up and talk about it now. He has to find his voice."

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