Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Layers of Meaning in Dreams

Illustration by Amelia Jane Murray 

It's rare these days that I have an exciting epiphany due to new information coming in, but today is one of those days. While I was at work, I thought and thought all about it and couldn't wait to write about it when I got home, but now that I am home, I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. I will do the best I can despite my tiredness.

I have said before on many occasions that I fully believe that dreams have layers of meaning. The meaning you get when you first have a dream might be completely different from the meaning you gain when new information comes into play. It doesn't mean that the first meaning was wrong, just that there are additional messages to be gained.

I spend a fair amount of time on TikTok lately. I love TikTok for everything I have been learning. I have learned a lot of different things like recipes, natural remedies, plant medicine, current events, and astrology. 

Now, I have always been interested in astrology, but it has always felt so overwhelming to learn about. I didn't know where to start. Along comes TikTok and my "for you" page shows me a healthy stream of bits about astrology. Someone will talk about a placement, a house or an aspect and I end up wanting to learn more after I go check my own chart and my own placements for whatever they are discussing. I will never be an astrologer, because I don't seem to retain the mountains of information available, but I have been learning a great deal about myself. 

Learning about my placements in my chart has helped me understand myself better and understand that certain aspects of who I am was predetermined by the date, time and place of my birth. It's truly wild gaining such valuable information about one's self.

Recently I saw a video where the content creator was talking about planetary placements that were bottom heavy or top heavy. She described drawing a line through the middle of the circle of a birth chart and the top half is the daytime and the bottom represents nighttime. 

My chart (pictured above) is very bottom heavy with planets. It suddenly dawned on me that a lot of references I was getting in dreams were probably astrology related but I didn't understand that yet.

I frequently dream of not having a top on. Sometimes I see a literal bottom half of a body with no top. Sometimes I see references to not having pants on or that this animal that is part horse and part cow only has a top half. I often dream of someone who has no legs. I used to think that aspect had to do with my literal lack of transportation, but now I think that must be talking about someone whose chart is very top heavy with planets.

The more I learn about my chart, the more I think the two lions chasing me in a dream were actually referencing two Leo aspects in my chart. 
When I dream of twins, it's a reference to Gemini in my chart. Perhaps the age of the twins can be seen as the degree they are in my chart. An early placement shows young twins and older twins would be a later placement in Gemini.

There's so much to consider based on this new revelation. I know that my chart isn't the only one I am obviously dreaming about because of the animals that had no bottom half, but I can't say for sure who the other people are that I am dreaming about.

I don't know where I'm going with this, I just wanted to write it down so I don't forget.

Dream Journal Entry: December 16, 2018 

I dreamed of being in a place with a lot of people. I saw what looked like a black horse mixed with a he was half horse and half cow. He was a little misshapen in that he didn't seem to have working back legs so he walked on his two front legs looking almost human-like. Most people were avoiding this mixed creature, but I reached out and gave him affection. He wasn't used to being touched but accepted me caressing his fur and stayed very close to me after.

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