
Sunday, January 23, 2022

Memory Lapses

Photo by Margaret Durow

Dream Journal Entry: March 10, 2021

The only bit of dreams I remember is that I was at some sort of party. It seems like a "high end" sort of party with wealthier types. Some of the walls seem to have a carved dark wood on them. I am talking to someone, it feels like on the phone and it is about some sort of job they have available. I can't remember specifics that were said, but later there was a woman who approaches me that I seem familiar with and we are talking about the interaction with the woman. Apparently I didn't get the job and the other woman I spoke to didn't want to use me now. The reason she didn't want to give me the job is because I hadn't remembered meeting her earlier that night. I said, "Yeah, it's probably just as well because I don't think we were a fit personality wise." I confided in this person I was talking to about how I have been having problems with my memory and at times it is very scary. I started to get emotional about it because it really upset me.

There was a scene where I am talking to someone I identify as Omar in Australia but then I realize it isn't the same Omar. He said something about the other one having been bitten by a brown recluse spider and couldn't attend the gathering because of it. 

I remember something about a jet getting ready to take off but nothing else about it.

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