
Wednesday, November 3, 2021

A Different Reality

Hope Comforting Love in Bondage by Sidney Harold Meteyard (1868-1947)

I remember a bit of dream where K was shooting arrows at some people  walking by. I was one of the people he was shooting at and didn't understand why. I remember seeing a person shot in the back with arrows who looked dead on the ground.

I remember a scene where I found this little creature that was sort of guinea-pig-like but had no fur that had been dressed in some sort of hard shell by one of the kids and he had been given an egg shaped thing that was being held together with sticky candy. Because of what he was wearing and holding, he was unable to eat. So I removed the egg from his hands, removed the hard plastic shell and let him wander away to go eat with some of the other pets they had. They were allowed to roam free. For some reason, he sort of had a cube shape that was a result of the hard shell having been in place so long but considered it would eventually smooth out.

Later I dreamed I was back at J and K's and the kids were young teens at first. But then I see them morph into very young kids and they were all sitting on the couch. I felt confused and disoriented by this. 

I'm seeing myself and my figure is quite slim, unlike what I usually am. J is introducing herself to me. Apparently she knows that the inner me at that moment is from a different reality and I was just visiting. She is saying that in this reality that my name is Summer. 

Then she sits and pauses like she is hearing something and she is saying, "River is here and he is talking to me. Just a minute." Then she continues, "You think that the person you have been connecting with is River but he is lying, his name is actually Erwin." 

In my head I was seeing some guy that I was spending time with and trying to understand why the name Erwin sounded so familiar. I was trying to process it.

J then states, "I have to go to the store to pick up some things, if you aren't here when I get back, it was nice meeting you." I considered that she meant the me inside her Summer would return to my original reality. And then I started to wake.

November 3, 2021

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