
Monday, July 29, 2019

X Marks the Spot, Four Parts of the Same Thng

I have come to a new conclusion. I mean, it isn't entirely new, it is just expounding and twisting those puzzle pieces to get a different view.

Rather than writing it all out again in a different way, here are my comments to Lindsey about it all.:

So we know that there was a split.
Imagine 6 spheres and they are sliced open as if filleting a fish.
The crown chakra doesn't split.
It is higher self.
So the 6 become 12.
One world is light.
The other dark.
I made an illustration once and thought it was off but it kind of has the basic concept.

I would make it look more like an ink blot now.
Maybe I should redraw it.
But basically, Kundalini snakes of two different colors are often depicted in images representing Kundalini awakening.
The snakes aren't mixing in the current reality.
What you and I are doing internally is mixing them and twisting them together.
By loving that internal masculine no matter what face we give them, we are helping braid hard and soft.
By falling in love with someone who was soft and sweet in life, we fall in love with that part of ourselves internally. By saying... wait a minute, I'm going to create my ideal internally and he will be both hard, soft, strong, communicative, etc. We further braid those snakes and further embody our own ideal.

You attract what you are.

Are we dependent on a physical expression of that? I don't think so but I do believe it is possible, but I no longer have a set idea of who I will attract. I am open to the possibilities but don't need it.

I was wrong.
Four parts of the same thing was about HEART.
X marks the spot.

See how the right one looks like snakes when light and dark couples mix?

Did you notice how I left out the words masculine and Feminine?

Those words are holding us back.

We are both.
In reality they are just labels for attributes.
When you don't want to claim being one or the other, you know you are making progress in mixing the internal couples.
It is so cool if you think about it.

So many people are sitting around trying to meditate their way into enlightenment.
But you have to get into the trenches and really get your hands dirty with the internal shit.
You can't just meditate that shit away.
It is a great place to get guidance and find a kind of relaxation.
But meditation alone won't get you where you and I are currently at.
And if your basement is leaking....bravo! It is just another sign of this reality coming apart in preparation for coming back together in a different configuration.
Think of it like Legos.
Take it apart so you can create something new.
I'm tired of eating shit sandwiches too but I know something else is just around the corner on the next page.

It is exciting!

I had an idea of this before but I didn't know how to illustrate it. The flayed fish sort of drove it home in a way I could see it enough to draw it and it makes so much sense.

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