
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

When Science Marries Spirituality

Illustration by Kay Nielson
I know I talk a lot about balance, but I seriously didn't see this one coming.

I mean, duh, the biblical creation story is actually a biology lesson. It should have been obvious to me but I was so steeped in the spiritual angle and implications, that I was missing the science.

Having this new information is making my head spin because I am thinking about so many dreams and how there were all of these biology references all along...I just didn't know it.

One time I dreamed about a woman who was a seamstress. She was tired and her work was getting sloppy. There were mistakes. This is obviously a reference to DNA having issues and it was creating mistakes in the skin suits being created.

In the same dream, I got accidentally sent to a recycling center. I escaped the recycling center. Could I have been playing the role of abnormal DNA or a mutation that was scheduled for recycling but I escaped?

In another dream I tell a boy who I raised that he is not my own creation, but I felt he deserved a chance at having a life. In the dream I said that he could be used as a weapon and people feared him. Whoever had him could use him to destroy their enemies. I told him that just because that was what he was intended for doesn't mean that is how his story has to end.  Could this be some gene mutation? Could it have been pointing to genetic engineering similar to what is described happened in Atlantis?

Art by Kay Nielson
Think about it, the 12 disciples are part of a DNA strand. Their job is to spread the word (code) from their two mentors...mother and father. And what do we know about life, matter and the flower of life? It acts like a fractal and can be seen duplicating the same pattern over and over again in different ways. For instance, it is Right Brain that is considered feminine but controls the left side while the Left Brain controls the right side. Basically a twist happens, rather like a DNA strand.

I have dreamed about someone whose zoo all have abnormalities and deformaties. When I say "zoo" it is the animals that show up representing them.

I am still trying to figure all of this shit out and I know I still am not there yet. There are flaws and holes, but I keep trying and I definitely feel like I am getting closer. There are layers of messages in dreams and each time you peel away a layer and get a new clue, you can see something completely different.

I definitely still believe we are experiencing this in a virtual reality, but why? What are we doing? Is it like the movie "Inner Space" where we go inside and do some repairs on someone? Is it simply just kind of like a medical school VR game? This shit is hard.

I still don't really know what I need to do to complete.

What if the simulation we are participating in is about to double? What if it is moving from 2 cells (duality) to becoming four cells? What would that look like?

Truly, this is a random musing to empty my head a little so I can sleep. It is also for all two of you who actually read me. 😂 Okay, I suppose I am exaggerating. It is more like 5 if I include my mom. Lol

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