
Monday, March 18, 2019

Hermaphrodites, Internal Population, 11:11 Explained

"I knew I was a grain of sand in the vast desert that never ended and he was a sparkling star in the sky. I was a fish who couldn’t breathe in air and had to stay in dark waters forever while he was a majestic bird who soared so high that he barely touched the ground. I did not deserve him. I could only watch him from down here and wish, wish that he could come here someday. That he could know that I existed. But for that, he had to fall. He had to drop to the ground but I could not let that happen. And then I thought, birds are meant to fly and stars are meant to shine and if someone takes it away from them, they can't be the same anymore. So, I just prayed that his wings never fail him, that the star never explodes. And I was at peace."
Aleena Yasin

I'm a hermaphrodite....and so are you.

Not externally, but internally. Let me explain

The brain is split in two obvious sections...left and right. In symbolism we assign "masculine" to "right" and "feminine" to "left", but, in actuality, each side is a hermaphrodite. We can see them as a married hermaphrodite couple.

We tend to think of masculine function as output and giving and feminine as receiving and intake. Each side of the brain performs both functions, therefore they are technically hermaphrodites. They are not one or the other but both simultaneously.

The same is true for the heart. Again, both sides of the heart performs both intake and outtake functions. They take in blood and send it back out, therefore, making the heart a set of hermaphrodites. The left and right parts of the heart can be seen as a married hermaphrodite couple.

Let's call the brain couple King and Queen of the North Pole and the heart couple King and Queen of the South Pole. Those in the North have wings and fly, while those in the south are amphibious. Both sets wanted to claim they were the sole rulers of the entire kingdom and so a great battle began.

A curious thing happened. One day, by chance, the Queen of the North met the King of the South and they started having a torrid affair. The affair went on for quite some time until they decided it was time to announce to their partners that they intended to be together. Naturally, there was a lot of anger and feelings of betrayal as a result. The partners didn't want to let them be together.... until the betrayed partners met each other and fell in love as well.

Basically, what needs to happen is the couple who rule the brain need to have an intimate relationship with the couple who rule the heart to create communication, balance, and harmony within the individual.

The King of the North (right brian) needs to marry the Queen of South (left heart). The Queen of the North (left brain) needs to marry the King of South (right heart). Those relationships create the shape of an 8 or infinity sign. It creates a flow between head and heart.

All four need to rule equally together as a team.
My rough illustration of 2 sets of 4 columns, each in an 8 partnership

I had a dream once where there were four columns on one side of a campus and four columns opposite on the other side of campus. At first I thought that the four on one side represented a person and the four on the other side represented a different person. I recently came to understand that this is not the case. The columns on one side represent two minds and the columns on the other side represent two hearts. Remember, in each of us we have a set for mind and a set for heart. What I was seeing were the rulers for two different people who are attending the same school and are at the same place in our learning. We are at the same level of understanding. If we were to draw our energy flow around the columns, we would see 88 as is shown in the above illustration.

Do you see it?

11:11 and 11:11

The Twin Flames that people are so gaga over are actually within self. It is the joining of the two sets so that the energy flow is optimal. It is only when we become an 11:11 within an 8 energy flow that we can draw to us another 11;11 within an 8. I don't think there is one single person you share a soul with who you are destined to be with. It is about where you are at in your growth and where your frequency is at that will determine what level of person you will draw into your orbit. Someone who is not an 11:11 within an 8 will not be able to to attract someone who is already there. You can't pick up a FM radio station on an AM bandwidth.

Today I spent time studying about piano keys. I can't even remember why I set off in that direction, but it proved to be a fruitful direction of exploration. I created another Illustration to be able to see my thoughts as a visual.

Lately in dreams when asked how old I am, I tell whomever is asking that I am 42. I found this curious since I am actually 50 in my waking state. The standard piano has 88 keys. There are 7 octaves on an 88 key piano which I found curious since there are also 7 primary chakras. I discovered that key number 42 is the 4th octave which makes it D4. It would be the heart chakra octave and near the middle. We often say we are trying to find our center when we are seeking balance. I think stating I am 42 might suggest, in those time periods when I dream it, that I have found my center and am fairly well balanced.

Internal Population

As within, so without.

We all have an internal population and you too might be dreaming about your internal population the way I often do. I also visit people while I dream and interact with their internal population. Sometimes there are casualties and some of our population is killed off due to trauma and heartbreak. One person I visited had an internal population where everyone was dead. They were basically spirits. How many times have you heard the saying "dead inside"? Some people really are quite dead inside.

It doesn't have to remain that way.

As we grow and change, as we discard former versions of ourselves that no longer serve our highest good, we can actually birth a new version of ourselves. My biggest issues have been heart chakra related, but I had a number of casualties who needed to be reborn. With each internal issue I have confronted and dealt with, it is like hiring a new cast to play the different roles for the different chakras. And when all of the roles are filled and lined up on stage, we light up and come back to life too. Health issues dissolve and disappear as if by magic when we are actively tending our internal garden.

I'm not entirely healed yet, but I am definitely better than I was and have started to notice some differences in my overall health.

How are your internal population faring?

Do you need to rebirth parts of yourself to fill all the roles?

Have your mind couple connected intimately yet with your heart couple?

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