
Friday, March 22, 2019

Heaven and Hell; As Above, So Below

Art by Beth Conklin
Would it surprise you to learn that heaven and hell are within you?

How would you feel if you knew what we refer to as "Hell" and the "Underworld" are actually the Heart kingdom and Heaven is the Higher Mind?

I had a dream yesterday that led me down another rabbit hole that has proven enlightening.

March 20, 2019 The main bits of my dreams I remember were about Brad Pitt.  
There was a scene where I was following someone and they got too far away and I couldn't tell where they went. I got really upset and started crying because I felt lost and didn't know how I would find them again. 
I was in a house at one point. It is where Brad lives with his wife. There are other people here and people, of course, are hoping to meet him. I don't remember wishing for this myself, but simply being aware that other people desire his time. I ended up on the front porch with him somehow and we are just chatting. I can't remember about what. I just remember he liked how I treated him like I would anyone else. I wasn't extra nice and didn't behave differently with him than I would with anyone else i had just met.  
I got called inside for some reason. I was fiddling with some portable radio and trying to change the station but accidentally changed the clock time instead. My uncle Lyndell showed up and it turns out to be his radio. I apologized and told him he will likely have to change the clock back. There was music playing and I hoped that it wouldn't agitate him too much. I don't remember much else about that.  
Later, Brad's wife is saying she would like to spend some alone time with her husband in the walk-in pantry and I thought people should be understanding of this...that it is only natural that they want to spend time alone together. 
I think I started to come out of sleep but before I was all the way out, I saw the words HERO CARD appear in the sky. There was a heart below the D. I was processing what I had just seen and trying to understand what it meant. 
I obviously drifted back to sleep because now I am in the back seat of a car on the passenger's side. I am seeing the car from above at times and it is moving along some gravel like road next to train tracks and we seem to be moving quite fast. I hear myself saying, "Wayne, can you please slow down and not drive so carelessly?" I open my eyes and look and it is actually my father who is driving. I apologized and said I thought it was my younger brother driving and stated that I must have fallen asleep. Brad Pitt is in the front passenger seat. I reach out and touch the skin of his neck tenderly. He reached up and touched my hand gently, as if to say he welcomed the connection. I have some sense of being in Virginia and I can't say why. As Brad and I touched from our positions, I remember thinking about how much time he spends away from home and how his work was a big part of his life, so watching his work was like sharing that time and that part of his life because he had put so much into it. I considered I should probably watch his movies. Something is said about Barbara Wawa. At first I think they are talking about me because my first name is Barbara. Everyone calls me by my middle name. it is repeated... "Barbara Wawa" and now I am seeing Barbara Walters in my head. I start talking about how I don't agree with her views, then corrected myself, admitting that it was actually just her overall that I didn't like.. all of her views and opinions. 
As I started to wake, I considered that Barbara Walters represents the old version of myself that I no longer am. I was saying that I really don't like that old version of myself.
Privately, I discussed with two of my friends what some of the symbolism could mean. Lindsay pointed out that "Virginia is for Lovers" which reminded me that Dave Grohl is from there. He resembles my player Blue, which makes the association significant.

Art by Beth Conklin

I mentioned to my Algerian friend that I think, because Brad in his younger years was blonde haired and blue eyed, he represents a lighter side of self. The wife wanting to spend time alone with him in the pantry represents a need to be alone with self and to go within for a little while. People aren't always understanding of those who need to retreat for a little while and be alone. But we are able to do a lot of inner work and regrouping during those times. I tend to feel a flee response when I don't get to have any alone time.

I mentioned to Lindsay that I thought, perhaps, being in the back seat could represent Heart. Heart was reaching up to Higher Mind and connecting on a more intimate level. This train of thought snowballed into another diagram. Maybe one day I can hire a graphic artist to illustrate my thoughts for me. For now, my kindergarten art will have to do.

I didn't know where it was heading when I first started making it but when I was done, I was in awe. So many symbols I dream about regularly finally make sense to me seeing it together in this diagram.

What surprised me is that Lucifer, who has gotten a really bad reputation, is actually Eve's correct partner and God of the Heart...aka the Underworld because in the human body it is below the brain. The balance was thrown when she ran off with Adam and partook of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.
November 13, 2018 I heard, "It has to be snakes of two different colors. Two of the same would just kill you. They have to be different." I then saw three huge footballs and then saw a man surprising people somewhere. He was startling them with funny things and I am seeing some people give different fruits by tossing it into this huge clear umbrella like thing he was holding.
Based on my diagram, Adam and Eve would be considered snakes of the same color and their union had disastrous results. They were cast out of the Garden of Eden, which is actually that center point of perfect balance. Head and Heart were joined, but now there were two opposing sides. The crossroads at the center point could look like an "X marks the spot" or a cross.  I estimate that center point between Higher Mind and Heart is where Throat chakra meets the Third Eye right about at the nose...which now helps me understand a recent dream about Daniel Radcliff making out with his girlfriend's nose. Lol

"I embrace my shadow self "by Beth Conklin

Left Cain killed Right Able throwing things further off balance and we fell into darkness being more prominent than light.

Masculine and Feminine don't come into play because light and dark are equal parts both feminine and masculine. Yin and Yang is actually inaccurate in that it says one color is masculine while the other feminine. Both colors are actually both masculine and feminine, just as both sides of the brain perform masculine and feminine functions as do both sides of the heart. Only the physical form gives the illusion of being a single gender, which is really about input and output and reproduction. We all are capable of listening (input) and speaking (output). We all are capable of giving (output) to others and receiving (input) when we are in need.

Asking if someone is light or dark or balanced is definitely more significant than the illusion that is gender.

Art by Beth Conklin
I dream a lot about Christmas and Christmas trees. I believe fully that this is a reference to Higher Mind. I now understand that all of the oak tree references were actually about Heart, which I had no understanding of until today.
November 14, 2014 Then just before i woke, I think it was K that was there and I was cutting large paper with scissors when he came up. He commented on what I was cutting and I think he called it a pumpkin. I said, no, that it was an apple. He said it wasn't the right color. I assured him it would be when I was done. I was cutting away and down on the bottom I was creating two hearts that were attached to the apple. I was busy shaping them and making them look like I wanted. I think K expressed sadness or something because I stopped what I was doing and said, "Come here. Let me hug you." And he agreed that might be nice. I hugged him for a while and then he pulls away a little and starts kissing me. That is where I woke up.
Apples and Acorns represent Heart and Pomegranates and Pine Cones represent Higher Mind. The symbols actually resemble what they represent. The inside of a pomegranate looks similar to a brain and an apple can be heart shaped. A pineal gland is shaped like a pine cone and is the antenna that receives information from Higher Mind.

I guess what I have learned today is that there are bits and pieces of clues everywhere, the problem is that no one has gotten it completely right yet. If anyone had gotten it right yet, this reality wouldn't still be so out of balance. I am trying to find the errors and correct them so that we fully understand what we need to be doing on an internal level and then be able to bring it forward as an external manifestation.

As above (Higher Mind), so below (Heart).

As within (internal reality), so without (external reality).

Are your internal couples with the wrong partners?

Are you still divided and believe there are sides to take?

The Heart couple still needs to have a healthy relationship with the Higher Mind couple. The four need to develop their communication skills and become a harmonious balanced team.

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