
Saturday, May 21, 2022

Keanu Reeves is a Blank Canvas

Sometimes things come out in conversation that I find worthy of reposting. These are comments I made during conversation:

But then, as I am thinking about it, I have to believe that a higher part of our soul allows us to have these "tragic" experiences for a reason.

What purpose would it serve to give Keanu blow after blow? River, Ava, Jennifer, his father, etc. They were all tower moments to shake him to get him to wake up to become who he really is inside. Instead of being a blank, empty vessel, his higher self was challenging him to fill in that blankness. He was being challenged to let that small spark inside of him take over and burn away all that isn't really him and to reemerge as who he was always meant to be before life fucked his head and heart.

Yes, his mother has probably had a big influence on his relationships.

A very negative and toxic influence.

She used men to get ahead in life which makes you wonder how he fell into the trap of landing a hag who wants to use a man (him) to get ahead. It is a familial cycle.

She doesn't need dudes when her meal ticket is her son.

Like I said before, she is actually a career stage mom who developed a story with her son to make it seem she is not a stage mom and that he is a wounded rebel.

She didn't make it in show business, so she thought she would project what she wanted onto her son and make him get the life she wanted. She lives vicariously through him.

Showgirl...aka stripper.

Wow! Maybe that is why he has become a blank slate for everyone in the world. His mother set that stage for it. He has to break free from that.

But it's hard for anyone to see who he really is if he doesn't know who he really is, know what I mean?

No one can tell him what will unfold in his life. He has to pick up the pen and decide the story he wants to write.

This is a book my daughter checked out From the library and it made me think of our conversation. Basically, Keanu needs to color himself in rather than being a blank canvas for people to project onto.

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