
Monday, April 4, 2022

The Other Holy Trinity Within Self

Art by Sophie Wilkins

Sometimes I wonder what normal people have rattling around in their brains that keeps them from falling back to sleep. I'm fairly certain that half of the stuff that prevents me from going back to sleep at 4:30 a.m., very few people focus on.

Last night I dreamed about going to see Jeff Hilliard at some performance, but I missed it. I did get to say hello, but I wasn't present for the event. Dreams often get weird and this one was no exception. The theme seemed to be about how what we have been taught to be afraid of, Satan and demons, was actually what we needed to move towards. I then saw some statue/monument that was of a mermaid but on closer inspection had all kinds of Satanic symbols on it.

I saw an image of religious figures, Mother Mary, Angels, etc., and had a sense they were keeping us away from what we really want. They were actually the keepers of the real hell which we were already in and trying to free ourselves from. I remember seeing these very high end vehicles driving up high along a balloon/bubble pathway to protect them from getting damaged. I considered this represented the wealthy and greedy who were sort of bubble wrapped and protected from the trials and tribulations most of the rest of the world experiences. I had the thought, "Those vehicles shouldn't even exist. That kind of greed shouldn't exist."

At times, it felt like I was trying to figure out which way to go and felt chased sometimes. I turned a corner, then pulled this plastic sheeting out from under a person following me, causing them fall to the ground and allowing me time to get away.

As I lay processing the dream, I thought to myself that this must be about someone's fears and thinking there is a division between heaven and hell, God and they have to choose only one to follow. This is someone who still believes there is a side to take.

I started remembering various dreams where there were references to triangles and references to me being called "a bridge between worlds". There are repeating dreams with a reference to 3 parts to something. 

I remembered my blog post about the brain being two parts and the corpus callosum is the rainbow bridge that brings those two parts together to communicate. One side of the brain is science, the other is our creativity. One side is all numbers and the other is all colors. One side is "just the facts, ma'am" and the other is faith based and believing the impossible is possible.

In my mind, heaven is "head" and hell, the underworld, is "heart". But here's the thing about comes in two varieties. One is not inherently better than the other.

Maybe there is a three-way battle internally. If we see heart in this scenario as feminine and the two parts of the brain as two different suitors battling each other to gain favor of heart's affections, we can see how internal conflict can arise. 

Art by Sophie Wilkins

As I lay there visualizing this, I thought, "It's not about choosing one or the other, it's about creating communication between the two upper parts, integrating them as one thing and then working it out with heart. 

It's good to be heart centered, but heart needs mind in order to be balanced and have discernment. They need each other. 

I started seeing lines representing the connection that needs to take place as two lines from heart going up to left and right mind and then another line between left and right mind connecting them to each other. I saw a large triangular shape and thought, "The Holy Trinity."

I then remembered how the ancient Sumerian texts talk about a "love triangle" that took place between Ninmah and her two brothers, Enki and Enlil. One was said to be dark skinned and the other was said to be light skinned. The symbolism of the two brothers representing two different warring factions of mind jumped out at me. The three siblings easily could be seen as the three parts I have described. 

Somehow the rainbow bridge was lost so that the two brothers didn't realize they were part of the same being and chaos ensued.

I think each of us are individually trying to bring our three parts together as one harmonious thing where creating effective internal communication is key to bringing peace and harmony.

As within, so without.

As above, so below.

Everything outside of us first starts within us.

We don't have to choose light or dark if we KNOW we are always both. Having a relationship with heart will help light and dark mind make loving choices that are for the highest good.

Change yourself to change the world.

Art by Sophie Wilkins

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