
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Rewriting a Love Story

Art by Gustav Klimt

My guides have said that something can happen faster if two people are imagining and wanting the same thing. 

Love and connection has been elusive for me my entire life.

I want to imagine it to make it happen faster, but I have no face, no name to imagine. I don't have enough information and facts and so I imagine nothing and nothing is what I have manifested. 

I don't want to imagine a life with someone who isn't willing to take action towards me and isn't willing to give as much as they take. That doesn't turn me on to imagine that. What kind of life would I have with someone who can't show up for me now? Why would they bother showing up for me in a relationship if they can't muster even a little bit now?

I can't imagine a life with someone who can't find it in themselves to be fully open and honest. That is what I bring to the table and that is what I want to experience in a partner.

I can't imagine a life with someone to whom I can't talk about the things that matter most to me. Being ridiculed and diminished for my beliefs really wouldn't foster a deeper connection. I've already experienced a lot of that and it just causes me to build my walls a little higher, a little thicker.

It's all great and fine to have inner masculine and feminine union, but where is that outer manifestation of it? I thought the outer would follow and it hasn't.

I don't date. I never really have.

I'm not going to go out to look because I don't think that's the way a deep connection will happen. I tend to think a friendship has to be the foundation and then trust has to be built on that.

Passion is lovely, but it's fleeting.

Dear Universe, I'm ready for real connection. Can you hurry up, please? I'm bored of waiting and my faith that it will ever happen is starting to wane.

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