
Sunday, February 6, 2022

Distorted Perceptions and Competition

Photo by Ogami Ryohei

Dream Journal Entry: May 14, 2020, Part 1

I dreamed about being in the UK with my uncle Paul (my father's brother who is dead) and Inara. Uncle Paul is driving and he turns right, thinking this is the place we were trying to find. I wasn't so certain it was, but we went with it anyway. We didn't have much time here, so thought we could make the best of it by stopping at this place that resembled an amusement park but didn't actually have any rides. It was more like an arboretum on the outside with various different varieties of plants displayed and plaques telling what they were. We went by one section on the left that had all monkey puzzle trees. They were all small and looked young. 

In another section was an area you had to climb that was made of branches situated together like a log jam, only it was smaller branches that sort of curved and resembled a very large nest. You had to climb this section to get inside. 

Inside, were lots of different areas and there was a kids section with cushioned mats you could climb and bounce on. Someone is saying something about how there were probably lots of pubic hairs in there left behind by the people who had been in here playing. I thought it was odd, but continued on. After having been in there, I noticed movement in my vaginal area. It felt almost like I had a small, thin penis coming out of me and moving around. I removed my pants and underwear and looked. On the right side of my labia, a parasitic worm had attached to me. I pulled the bulk of the worm off of me and planned to destroy it but there was still a piece of it left at the site wiggling around. I asked my uncle to help me get the last piece because I was holding the parasite in one hand and couldn't get the piece out with one hand only.

I remember seeing a section with books and some author was giving a talk as I walked through.

Photo by Evelyn Hofer, 1963, NYC

I remember being at some eatery at this same location. It wasn't a fancy restaurant. It was the kind of place you would walk up and order at the counter. At first, we were buying just ice cream. Paul hands me an ice cream that I start eating but I don't like it and throw the rest away. I couldn't say what the flavor was. Then I find out that was the ice cream Paul had ordered for himself. He only meant for me to hold it and he seemed sad. I felt bad so offered to buy him another. He said no, but I insisted. We ended up buying grilled burgers and fresh cut fries. I was concerned about whether or not I had enough British money to pay with. I opened my purse and found a check that was for British pounds for two thousand and a bit. I asked if I could use that and they said "yes". The woman who had initially been taking our order got a sick look on her face and said she had to go throw up and asked someone else to take over. She said that she wasn't contagious, she was just pregnant and had nauseousness from that. I told her I completely understood as I had been sick and throwing up my entire pregnancy.

At some point, I suddenly realized I have no top on and was exposed. It didn't bother me much, but I knew others present might not want to see my breasts so I grabbed a towel and came back.

We stepped away for a little while to wait for our food and, at some point, I ended up completely naked but grabbed towels from the place to wrap around me. And when we got our food, we took it away carrying it in all-clad cookware. I can't remember why.

There was one part where a girl who worked there stepped away from the restaurant and started to fall through the holes that were more like connecting tunnels...rather like a mouse playground with connecting tubes only it was for humans and had openings so you could travel to different sections. She fell a couple levels and one guy caught her and helped her up. I helped her up to the level she had originally been on.

I can't remember much else.

Oh yeah, there was also a part of the dream where there were two guys. I think one of them was being kept a secret. He was Asian. They were a couple but one of them was having a hard time admitting his relationship with him.

At one point, the Asian guy looked to have a very long skull like what the alien looked like in the movie, Alien, only it was a human skull, but once you changed position, you could see it was just a distortion of the glass he was standing near.

Commissionaires Dog by Kurt Hutton

Dream Journal Entry: May 13, 2020, Part 2

I had another dream where it seems there was some sort of competition taking place. People were all chasing after the same thing. They were hunting. I was one of them participating in the competition. At one point, I sought to work with others and started riding an elephant with a group, but a bunch of people passed me, so I thought I needed to hurry up and opted to get off the elephant and run ahead. Some of the people who were chasing the same thing I was started shooting at me. I took cover and avoided their bullets. I moved quickly ahead. It became clear we were hunting some dog and, apparently, it was very dangerous. It was possible it could destroy you. I found some dogs that others seemed scared of. I didn't have a weapon and wasn't afraid. I approached the dogs. At first they seemed to growl, but when they realized I wasn't scared, they let me pet them. It was a medium sized dog and a small one. 

Attribution Unknown

I moved past them into the area the biggest dog was and I come upon some guy. There was something about him having built some alter to draw the dogs to him. I was seeing it as a relatively small alter, at first, but there was a second much larger one that was hidden and blended into the natural outdoor setting. At first it looked like an ordinary tree that was slightly leaning over and its branches went up and bent in the direction the tree was leaning. It sort of resembled a pipe organ. The guy moved away some leaves to reveal it was a large alter to ensure the largest dog came to him. He had been drawing the dogs to him even though the largest was very dangerous. There was something about an area he built that was a virtual place. He said, "I built this place because I knew they would be drawn to be inside the virtual place because they can find balance here. They want to be here." The dogs who had gone in had become docile and relaxed. There had been a woman with him but he seemed to discard her in preference for me, the first person to have completed getting to that point. I guess I was the winner because I had gotten there first, but I didn't seek to destroy the dogs as the others had.

The guy backed me up against the alter and it seemed he planned to have sex with me. I think I woke up there. I waited too long to write the dream down.

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