
Friday, October 15, 2021

Shot Through the Heart

Diana the Huntress by Guillaume Seignac

I took a nap and dreamed about seeing an arrow on the ground that someone shot. I saw it as a sign and was going to add it to my collection. When I went to collect it, heard a loud boom. I realized it was a gunshot I heard and I had gotten in the line of fire when I went for the arrow. I felt the impact in my left chest. I remember not being able to move and calling out for someone to call for help because I think I needed to go to the hospital.

In a different scene there was something about wearing part of a Santa suit on the top part and an upside down white Christmas tree as the pants. There was something about having me come out at a specific point and how the contrast of the colors would look good for some event. It's hard to remember the details. I know I have lost bits. 

I think there was something about acquiring specific small tools for something and trying to locate others.

October 15, 2021

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