
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Vanishing Twin

I was dreaming about a little black puppy having wandered into where I was. I already had two small black dogs but this one was a little boy. I didn't know where he came from and determined I would simply keep him. He was playing with my dogs and I noticed he had accidentally peed in at least three different places that I would need to clean up. I told myself I would have to remember to take him outside regularly so I could potty train him. He was still learning so I didn't scold him. The little puppy wandered away next door to where this family had a light colored puppy. I followed him there to retrieve him. The family had a young girl with light hair and she is talking about how sometimes she imagines this scenario where she has to come to the rescue and take care of my dogs for me, but then she suddenly starts talking about Keanu and says that "She is his sister." I was thinking Alexandra was his sister and said that was an interesting theory but she said, "No. Who he is really with is his sister, Micaela. He was caught with her."

I tried to process this and considered an older dream I just reread where they were showing me this guy having absorbed a woman. I considered the possibility that Keanu absorbed his twin sister in the womb and now she was part of him. In the dream I reread, I saw him splitting apart into two sets of the same people and considered this was showing me a split in personality....two people within the same person. Maybe this is the sister he was caught with.

Dream Journal Entry: September 28, 2021

This is the dream I just reread:

November 18, 2020

The only bits I remember from last night's dreams is seeing a title like I was writing a new blog post that said, "Cure 666"

I remember a small snippet later of seeing a woman in a formal dress and she is asking me how she looks. It looks like one she wore before but she is saying it is a different dress. I think she was going to some wedding. 

Next, I think I am seeing some guy she had been seeing and I am asking where she was and he shows me her face by changing his own. I had this sense of him having absorbed her and then I see him as half her and half him. Then he splits into two and now there is two identical sets. 

I remember thinking about the whole 666 thing and dreams I have had about it. Basically, I have determined previously that 6 represents the first 6 chakras. The 7th is actually higher mind, higher self. It isn't technically part of the physical body in the same way that the first 6. Each person contains couples for each chakra...left and right. When an internal partner is missing, there are only 6. So when you bring an external couple together and one has all 12 and the other has only 6...that is essentially 666.

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