
Thursday, November 14, 2019

Game Strategy: The Other Mother Boss Battle

La Toussaint, René Charles Edmond His (1897)

This is me trying to process something to understand information I have received throughout this journey.

There is a running theme of "the other mother" and a murder caused by a partner.

"They" were in my face with the whole Kurt Cobain murder mystery and I have been trying to process how it fits with everything else I have been given. "They" seem to indicate it is going to happen again and I took that to mean that the being who played the role of Kurt has another character in play in which a similar scenario was going to happen.

I was torn between, do I talk about it or do I just let it play out and hope his other character in the game makes better choices than the Kurt one did so he can save his own life?

I guess I decided to talk about it even if it is for my own processing purposes and putting it all in one location.

Fairytale themes have shown up in dreams and a common theme in many is a false mother who is all about personal material gain rather than for the highest good of the child and everyone else. Often they are depicted as evil stepmothers. In Disney's Tangled the false mother steals the child and raises her as her own. In Coraline, the other mother is seemingly everything that Coraline could ever want, but in reality she wanted to keep her against her will and if she couldn't have her, she was willing to take her life.

Woodcut illustration by Eugene Dete for La Sorciere by Jules Michelet

In a dream I was told that "he imprinted on her" and I believed then that they were talking about Kurt Cobain imprinting on Courtney Love, causing him to believe he was like her. I think that is still possible, but I also now believe the imprinting of his soul happened originally in a much earlier life so that he naturally gravitates to "the other mother" in lifetime after lifetime. This attraction is like a moth to a flame. It is destructive and will ultimately cause their death either literally or emotionally internally.

I recently saw a video of a goose emulating the flamingos it was with who were all standing on one leg.  It reminds me of the story of the Ugly Duckling who believed he was a duck, but all along he was actually a swan. To imprint on the wrong energy could mean that you live a life that isn't true to who you really are at your core...if only you could remember.

These are a few of the dreams that seem to repeat a theme.

Art by Catrin Welz-Stein

Dream Journal Entry: March 3, 2019
I was with another girl who i identity as my sister. It feels like we are younger...early twenties, maybe. We are somewhere with brothers. My sister is off with the brother she is dating. I am left with the other one. I think it is determined we will come together at some point  but I have this knowing that we have played this scene out before. The last time we played it out the mother to the boys came in and killed all of us. I can't remember why she would do such a thing, but I knew it was about to happen again.

I said to the others, "If we know she is going to kill us, why are we just sitting here accepting that this will be our fate? Why don't we just call the police or leave?"

Later I am talking to the mother and I feel guarded. She is talking about how there is a special alignment happening and there are three days in a row that are one days. I didn't ask for elaboration. I assumed it was numerology or astrology based. I just knew I had to find a way to leave without her suspecting anything. I encouraged the brother I had been talking to to come with me. I was making my move and leaving. The brother ended up at some movie theater. I came back to help him because I thought his mother would surely find him here. He was having trouble walking so I assisted on one side of him. It was at that point he turned into the actor Cillian Murphy.

Where we had been was very dark and felt like night but where we ended up was bright and sunny. I told him I would take him to my home for now. I looked around. It felt like farm country and there were just a few houses sprinkled here and there. It was pleasant. We stood on the road at a crossroads while I tried to decide where to go. I apologized because I couldn't remember where my home was so decided to go to the house nearest us that seemed to have some event going on. There was a bouncy house and someone was showing them animals and talking about them. The first animals were bunnies and then I heard them say, "and this is our cesarean bear." I started to wake at that point.

Art by Catrin Welz-Stein

Dream Journal Entry: April 17, 2015
There was something about following someone into a house. She was talking to someone about a serious situation where something similar had happened in the past with her brother. Her brother had died and apparently his dried corpse was on a shelf. I was curious, while she was in the other room, and lifted it. To my surprise he started talking to me. I took him with me and we went someplace....some business...but I think he was telling me what had happened in the past and warned me it would happen again. I remember the dead guy's tongue coming out at one point and having to put it back in. Someone with me jumped from a window to avoid the fire that started. I got out but don't remember how i ended up outside. 
In earlier deams I remember being in a hotel room and seeing two fish tanks. Also there was a dog that wasn't mine who wandered into my room and I took it back to his owners.
There was also something about this shop that sold popcorn and gummy worms. They mixed with the popcorn what you wanted....chocolate, gummies, etc. I had never had anything from this shop before and just wanted plain caramel gummies or chocolate. I think this was the business that was going to explode or catch fire. 
"The Case of Jennie Brice" book cover art by William Teason

Dream Journal Entry:  June 1, 2017
Last night I had weird dreams and tried very hard to hold onto one section that was particularly unusual. All I remember from that part was seeing a TV and something occurring on the screen...someone I cared about was in danger and they weren't aware of it. The attacker was behind them. I felt this burst of energy coming from me in my desire to protect the person on the screen. I looked at my hand and ventured to reach inside the TV. I was surprised that my hand was able to reach inside the TV as though it wasn't solid. I actually reached inside this person who was a threat and crushed their heart in my hand. I remember feeling surprised that it actually eliminated the character on the screen and kept the person safe I wanted to protect.

Later I dreamed about some woman who was a problem and in the way. Somehow she ends up dead but I can't remember how she died, only that I am trying to conceal the death from people. I am trying to make it seem like she is still active and living using some of her belongings. There was a lot more to that part but the details are elusive. I was concerned with how to dispose of the body so no one would ever be able to find it. i think I was considering my options. I remember seeing from an outside perspective this younger guy who was a little odd and I am seeing him hold his arms up with his hands looking claw like in their position and I start to see him fly but then suddenly he turns into a moth a small person with moth wings. and then I see the girl he likes become a fairy and they hover together. It is clear they are two different things...similar but different and they wanted to be together. 

Dream Journal Entry: December  14, 2018 I had been captured by some guy who was capturing women and killing them off. I ended up in a bar and somehow I had gone back in time. Kurt Cobain was performing at a small club and I went up to him and asked him to help me. The guy was there at the club with me, watching us but he couldn't hear what I was saying. The bar staff was notified and some of their actions alerted this guy who had been holding me against my will. It was obvious they were calling the police.
I told him he was going to die in Florida....that it had happened before and was going to happen again. The guy who had taken me was going to kill him because of me. Kurt looks at his wrists which had cuts in them and he said something like, "he has tried before." I said, "he succeeds and he will do it again." I think I thought if I went back again and never meet him, his life would be spared.
Art by Catrin Welz-Stein

Some of the difficulty of trying to understand the information all placed on the table together is trying to understand what is symbolic internal death potential and what is likely to manifest into the external as physical death.

As within, so without.


Dreams have also indicated that I came in to fix the game because it was killing people off too quickly and now no one can complete the game. Hence being stuck inside the machine.

My soul partner and I are at a big boss level where stakes are high. From a gaming perspective, it would be boring if it was too easy to defeat Bowser. In our specific game, defeating the big boss is trying to determine which person is "the other mother" who wants to keep us prisoner and use us for personal gain and which person will lead to authentic love and freedom. If you choose the wrong one, it will end up being the tunnel of certain death. That is how I saw it in a dream. There are two tunnels...the tunnel of love and the tunnel of certain death.

If you have chosen the wrong tunnel and are currently in "the other mother's" spider web, ask yourself if you have a handy dandy grappling hook to escape the web where it is certain you will be devoured if you don't think and move quickly. If you don't have a grappling hook, hopefully you have a persevering and strong partner who can help guide you away from the precarious obstacle course maze.

Dream Journal Entry;  September 12, 2019 I was at a cafe or somewhere similar and I am with friends. Quite unexpectedly, a whole long piece of poop slips out and I state that sometimes this is how it happens. Thankfully there was a toilet right near me that i was able to go into and take care of it.  
I remember something about going out to a bus and being taken out to a race track where all of us on the bus would be able to drive a go-kart around the track. 
There was something about wearing a white garment that had cloves of garlic sewn inside (for protection?). I was also wearing some odd white shoes that looked like something for people with foot injuries but considered they could double as snow shoes.  
There was an assortment of jewelry inside what looked like a book. When you opened it, the jewelry was all neatly organized. I was making an effort to hold onto it despite the fact that all the jewelry was cheap plastic. I think I thought I would give it to Inara to do with as she wished. 
I remember seeing Christmas decorations and a cord of lights with only some lights on. I considered that we would have to fix that even though Christmas was months away still. I was decorating early.  
I was on a porch on the front side of a house. I remember a red and black fox like creature approach me and I wasn't sure if it would be friendly. I moved to pet it and it tried to bite me. I knew I was stronger than this animal, wrestled it, threw it away from me, then went inside and slammed the door shut. 
I remember an odd part where it seems I am inside a game and I have come upon what looks like a haunted mansion or some large dark spooky building that had been boarded up and it is difficult to even find your way in, but somehow I did and now this level seems to be too hard. I can't seem to get past a certain section because I keep dying. The inside was fortress-like and filled with all kinds if challenges. I wondered to myself why I went straight in to the hardest part instead of just lingering outside of it and doing some of the things you could do outside of this haunted house.  
I think I was given assistance to move past a section and now I seem to be swimming in water in a section. There are all these animals in the water...dogs maybe. A large St. Bernard (the name Bernard means "brave bear") swims by and I get excited because it is so big and I pet the dog. We get out and it turns out the dog is a young guy and I asked if he actually has a St. Bernard and he said, "Yes, at home." I asked how old his dog was and he said she was two.  The St. Bernard looked more like a Bernese mountain dog and was mostly black.
Now I'm talking to him about my friend, Lily, having a show of some kind, i can't remember what kind, and I wanted to introduce him to her.
As I was starting to wake, I was talking about leaving the game. I heard myself say, "I would be willing to stay if I could actually experience my bliss."

Fame is one of the most difficult levels to navigate and my partner headed straight for the hardest level. I lingered outside gathering tools for our tool chest. I knew we would need them for our current level we are trying to navigate.

Of course it is going to take planning and effort to escape the other mother's web and the city of plastic people where zombies are everywhere. We might need suits of garlic to protect us from blood suckers disguised as Hollywood big wigs who are top of the food chain. It is a big boss level, after all. We always knew it was going to be challenging. Lucky for my partner and me, we are skilled gamers and are up for the challenge. We didn't come this far to do anything but complete the entire game with flying colors.

This place we call "Earth" is a virtual reality and we are playing a game. This game is meant to transform us and our strategy needs to include going inside discovering and renovating the being we know as self. We are unblocking and lighting up each color of chakra within us. So when we complete, we will be bright vibrant rainbows operating at the highest version of ourselves.

How is "the other mother" a manifestation of our own making...of our own thoughts? She is a bully but not an obvious one. She is the partner we chose while we hadn't yet healed, so she is a manifestation of the dysfunctional relationship we had with our mother or father in this life. The other mother is the outer expression of the inner abusive dialogue we continued to repeat to ourselves. Most of the time we don't even realize it is happening because we have grown so used to being treated this way by ourselves internally that we don't even recognize it is happening. We have to take a powerful magnifying glass to find all of the hidden cancerous thoughts, discard them, and then start letting go of the outer manifestations of them disguised as partners, friends and sometimes family.

When we choose to finally love and respect ourselves, we become purified and make way to become who we were always meant to be. We start to dismantle the big boss by shedding our old lives so that we can fully embody the highest version of ourselves. Big internal changes naturally eventually translates into big external changes. We can't cling to our old life and still maintain change without it blowing up in our face and potentially eliminating us from the game. We have to let it go so we can build an entirely new one where we get to live the life we always wanted but didn't think was possible. We get to finally experience our bliss.

You have to believe in the possibility in order for the possibility to exist.

My sun sign is Libra which depicts Blind Justice who holds a sword and scales (aka Queen of Swords) as her symbol. Take my sword, dear partner. You will need it to cut through the bullshit of your current life and sever ties with people who no longer serve your highest good.

Come see me when you have defeated the other mother big boss level.

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