
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Spiritual Prostitution

What is "spiritual prostitution"? you might wonder. I made it up on the fly in hopes it would draw your attention and make you want to read this blog post. lol But I also wanted to create a phrase that describes spiritual people trying to sell themselves to you and creating a dependency at the same time because what they really care about is making money from you.

Spiritual Prostitutes create dependency on their services. They don't want you to think that you can do any of this yourself. They drum up business by telling you that not just anyone can do what you need and you click on the link and of course their site is filled with ways for them to make money and not offering any wisdom or insight so you can help yourself. This was posted as a link in a group on Facebook I am member of. I will leave her name and the link to her site out. I just want to use it as an illustration of what I am talking about:

"NEW ERA HEALING wow am I happy to share this. I have been guided to share something new from ______________________ Counsel. You can now change your contract from light worker to light weaver or something else you feels is even more appropriate.

  ______________also told me this; " to change such a contract requires to go to a certain level of the halls of knowledge. There are few that can do that for themselves. Do not allow the mind to delude you into thinking you have done it as it will try to. Releasing this in the mind is one thing. Releasing it from your soul, from the earth and the universe is another. "

  ______________along with the ____________ council I have now been connected to have guided and instructed me in this technique and I am now offering it to those that feel it's right for them.

You can go to my website to learn more about it and how you can book a session with me to transform the reality you create in. Yahooooooo

This sort of Spiritual Prostitution SCREAMS red flag to me. I was rolling my eyes as I read it. So we can change our contracts, but not just anyone can do it. Hmmmm So you mean to tell me my own higher self isn't plugged into all the EXACT SAME KNOWLEDGE?!!! SMH Puhleeeease! And you could say that any person (aka spiritual jon) that falls for it has their own spiritual lessons to learn from the situation. I suppose that could be true too.

This was my response to the user that posted the link to this woman's spiritual prostitution post:

How much is she charging? smh I'm sorry, but anyone that says that not just anyone can do it is tripping and drumming up business.

I have a problem with people in the spiritual community who encourage dependence on them and their services. We should be teaching people to do it all themselves because we are all capable. We all have the same potential but come choosing to emphasize one thing more than another but each of us are capable of amazing things. I don't want people to depend on me. I want to teach them what they can do as well.

What about those "psychics" that give away free readings repeatedly and cause a feeding frenzy of bottom feeders? I get giving away a certain amount to build your online presence, but how you do it matters. Melissa Hevenor does free readings sometimes, but the deal is, you have to subscribe to her YouTube channel, "like" her page, and "like" the video on YouTube...and if you like the reading, she asks you to leave her a positive review. I think that is a fair exchange. It is meant to give you a taste so you can decide what you think and maybe tell your friends about her. She doesn't do it all the time....maybe once a month. I won a free reading from her and I will say, I thought her information was interesting and unlike anything anyone has picked up but was confirmation of things I myself have gotten. Getting confirmations to your own information is wonderful, in my book. And then you get those who give away "readings" daily in hopes to get you hooked and come back and pay for their services.

I have heard so called mediums, psychics, intuitives and other spiritual figures make claims that "not just anyone" can do what they do. Some will say that they were just born that way and not everyone is born with abilities. A lot of these people like to tout what other side figures they are connected to be it Jesus, Archangel blah blah blah, ascended master blah blah blah, some high ranking alien, etc. Maybe they say that they were them in a past life or that they channel them. When I hear people make these claims I have to call bullshit when I see it. lol I don't always say it out loud in a post, but I certainly have groaned and said a few choice words at my monitor. lol

This is my truth as I know it. We ALL are BORN with abilities. All of us are born with the same potential. Now, some of us do set it up on the other side to come in with both knobs to the faucet turned on and staying on beyond our stage where amnesia sets in firmly. For those people, certain connections seem easier. It really is as simple as how we set it up before we come into the physical body. Now....what we do once we are here and have forgotten is really up to us. We ALL are capable of being channels. We all are capable of being mediums. We ALL are capable of being energy healers. We ALL are capable of using our intuition consciously. We ALL are capable of tapping into our higher selves and accessing a wealth of knowledge. If we are all technically "one", are we not then also all technically plugged into the same infinite knowledge as anyone else? I believe the answer to this is YES! You simply need a desire to tap in and learn.

I have no problem with spiritual people making a fair energy exchange with people for their services. I think they should ask for a fair exchange be it bartering or asking for money for what they are offering. You can often easily tell the difference between someone out to make a buck and only see a person as a dollar sign and those who genuinely CARE about empowering the people they come in touch with. The psychics who care often offer LOTS of advice via blogs. They really don't want you to become a regular client because they want to teach you how to connect with your crossed over loved ones and want you to go within and find the answers to your questions. Spiritual teachers who care don't want a disciple who follows them around like a puppy dog. They want their students to learn, graduate and go out and SHARE what they have learned. 

If this "shift" is really about shifting consciousness, then we need to be careful about how we are going about it. Spiritual Prostitution is not helpful.

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