
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Last Earth Life

November 8, 2013 I just had a wild dream. I think it was more than a dream. I was having a normal dream and then suddenly I was trapped in an area that was all white walls. But then there was a door slightly ajar and I went through it. There were stairs...white stairs leading down and I was confused and asking what this place was. No one was there but me and then there was this bird that flew in. It was two tone like some black and white corvids only it was a light grey and white. I held out my hand and it landed on my finger. I said hello to the bird and asked what it wanted. And a voice started talking to me. It had almost a new York accent. Lol but he told me things...not everything i can remember. But the one thing i do remember was he told me i was doing well in this life time and i wouldn't have to come back for anymore. I was pleased to hear this and asked him who he was. He simply said he was my superior. And then he sent me on my way back into a dream where i was in a house with what was supposed to be my husband, i think, but he didn't look like him. My daughter came out and we interacted and then this blonde boy came out and i was like who is that? And my husband was like, "are you kidding me? He is my son from a different relationship." i was like, no, I don't know this kid. And he was wanting to know what was wrong with me. It was like i had been plopped somewhere that kind of looked like my reality but was somewhere else completely. It was wild. I wish i could remember everything that the bird said. He said a lot. I do remember there being a bit where the landlord was there tearing up the place and renovating everything while we lived there. Also there was something about a puzzle. I put a puzzle together but there were all these other pieces like there had been a second puzzle in the box. I put the pieces of the second puzzle back in the box but bits of earth and moss went in with the pieces. I carefully took out the chunks of moss and moist soil and put it around the base of a mailbox (communication?). There were worms mixed in the soil and I noticed a single caterpillar. None of it was gross and wasn't trying to discard it, but was trying to separate it carefully so that I didn't lose any of the pieces of the second puzzle. I woke up before I had a chance to put together the second puzzle. There was a micro cd played but i can't remember what the music was.

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